Hello! My name is Sydnee Shive. I'm a current resident of Kansas City, Missouri, where I work full-time for the American Hereford Association and Hereford Publications Inc. I'm a May 2022 graduate of Kansas State University, with my bachelor's degree in agricultural communications and journalism. I have my associate degree in agriculture from Hutchinson Community College. I like to stay busy, and I work occasionally as a livestock photographer. In addition to photography, I found I really enjoyed writing in high school, and I worked for student publications all throughout college. I've worked for Dragon's Tale (the student magazine at Hutchinson Community College), the Manhappenin' (the student magazine at K-State), and the Royal Purple (K-State's yearbook). I was Editor of the Fall 2022 Agriculturist, the K-State College of Agriculture's student magazine, and I am a former member of the K-State ASI Family & Friends Reunion publication staff.

Growing up, art was one of my passions. I found and cultivated a love for livestock and agriculture through
4-H and FFA, and photography became a creative outlet for me. Art and livestock are two things I truly love. Student publications has been crucial to diversifying my portfolio--from sports and livestock to headshots in studios and large group pictures, I'm comfortable with a camera in my hand almost anywhere.

I have a heavy agriculture background. My "9-to-5" is telling the stories of the Hereford breed through print media. I own a small herd of purebred cows (old show heifers) with my twin sister, Grace, and we exhibited cattle all around Kansas and the surrounding states for about ten years. I started with Clover, my first bucket calf, before working my way up to full blown show steers and heifers. I love the livestock industry and the people who immerse themselves in it. For years, showing cattle was all I did, and I can attribute some of my creativity, responsibility, grit and determination to my years spent in a barn.

Sydnee Creative started as Sydnee Shive Photography in 2014. I've grown since then and expanded my skill set, and Sydnee Creative is what I landed on. I can do everything from senior portraits to logo design.
I chose to use just my first name for my brand, because, my name is unique. The spelling is, anyways. And for me, the word "creative" has no limits. It fits me. The design for my "S" hit me one night while brushing my teeth, and I immediately sat down at my computer and opened Adobe Illustrator. It's different, but it's me.
If you're interested in a creative service of any kind, don't hesitate to shoot me an email at sydneeshive@gmail.com, or fill out the form on my contact page. I look forward to hearing from you!